Well, this week was far less crazy than the last few weeks... it was only slightly crazy. It's fall, which brings to mind beautiful trees, the smell of apples, and in our house, the countdown to the World Series. But it's also back to school which for every mom in America means back to busyness. Right now, we're juggling a lot of things. Let me summarize...
Becca's fundraiser is over and I'm happy to report that she met her goal of selling 15 books! What was the secret of her success? Bringing her order form to a Labor Day family reunion and then standing alongside her grandpa who explained the fundraiser while she smiled sweetly... need I say more? Last week, she went to the Barboursville Fall Fest parade and carnival with her good friend Molly. She also just completed a project for school that required her to collect samples of different leaves, dry them, then put them in a booklet and correctly label them. (And she only need a little help- she wanted Garrett to help her, not me)

Hannah has kept me in the car more than anyone. She's already half way through the volleyball season. I can hardly believe it. She has a new coach this year that she thinks is lots of fun (I'm sure it doesn't hurt that he's a young MU grad student) but unfortunately, they haven't won many games. One exception was last Monday. We drove waaaay out in the country to play and they won 4 out of 5 games. Each games was very, very close. I screamed
so loud that I embarrassed Hannah. She's managed to develop a wicked little serve that often just skims the net and drops in. Next week, we have to drive waaay out in the country again, this time hours away, south of Logan, for a game. A win would certainly make that drive worthwhile.

Garrett is at the Huntington High football game tonight with his little girlfriend, Alyssa. They met last summer at church camp and have been seeing each other ever since. She's in the band, on the dance team and twirls a flag. It's been pouring the rain, but he's standing out there at the game to see her... ah, how sweet.
Garrett's a junior this year and his work at school has really intensified. He has more homework and none of it is busywork. His favorite class, I think, is biology. He loved his old teacher who retired, but finds his new, young teacher loads of fun because he 's always experimenting with things. Garrett and Hannah are in the same biology class this year. Their teacher has arranged for them to visit a medical school in December where they'll get to see a fully dissected human body... it's optional, so Hannah is not going. Garrett can't wait.
Well, in addition to school and volleyball, Hannah and Garrett sing sometimes with the youth praise team at church and they have even started traveling to other churches to sing. Garrett sings with four other

boys in a band called Torn in Two. The band sang a few weeks ago at a youth event for about 50 kids. Garrett sings lead and plays guitar. Also, they are both participating in a community show choir called ARTS All-Star Show choir. They practice 5 and a half hours per week. Then in January, they will compete against other show choirs in competitions. The show they perform lasts about 20 minutes and has several songs and at least three costume changes. It's a lot of work... Hannah has struggled with the choreography a bit, but they like performing. I think Garrett will actually have a small solo in this year's show. They definately get the singing and performing gene from Louie!
Louie and I were talking to his doctor not long ago. He has three kids that are spaced about like ours. The difference is, his oldest two are in college and he only has one at home now. We said something about being busy and he grinned and said that before long, we'll be looking at each other and saying...remember when we used to be so busy?