Tuesday, April 17, 2012

A Push Broom Epiphany

Have you ever tried to 'pull' a push broom? What kind of stubborn person would do that? Um... I have.

You see, I got this marvelous invention at an estate sale and knew it would make quick work of sweeping grass off my driveway after I mowed. So tonight, I happily pushed my broom- and the grass clipping- along my driveway. Until I saw some grass was under my car that I simply couldn't push away with my broom. So... rather than move my car and sweep the correct way, I stuck the push broom under the edge of my car and pulled it along the concrete, trying to drag the grass clippings out. Needless to say, it was a futile attempt and all that I accomplished way spreading the grass clippings around. The moral of the story is- Can you pull a push broom? Yes. Is it at all effective? Not so much.

So I took something- a push broom- that was intended to be pushed and tried to force it into operating in a way that was never intended. And of course, in the end it just wasn't as effective. After I got over feeling ridiculous, I moved on to cut the back yard and I remembered something from my Sunday school lesson that struck me. We've been watching a video series from Andy Stanley called 'You've Got Style'. Nope, it's not about what you wear or how your house is decorated. Here's premise of this study: Though there's only one way to God through Christ, there are many ways to express our love for Him and many ways in which believers people draw near/ feel closest to God.

Now, I guess I knew that fact... but it has stuck in a new way that has been not only refreshing but very freeing. On any given Sunday there are about 15 people in my class and we are finding that almost all of us feel closest to God when we do different things. One woman feels closest to God and worships Him most sincerely when she is outside in nature. Sure, she can worship in the sanctuary or sing to show she loves Him, but because of the unique way God has designed her, she is 100% engaged in nature. Another person in my class is what we'll call an enthusiast and their way of drawing near to the heart of God is by outwardly expressing their feeling- in outward singing, prayer, etc. Sure, that person can read their Bible silently on Sunday morning but it isn't what reaally feels right when they're wanting to express their love to the Lord. One other feels closest to God when they're studying God's word or contemplating scripture. Sure, singing is ok and serving is great, but Bible study is when they feel God's presence.
And yet- we are all one body of believers.

Now this might not be a revelation to you. But it was huge to me and here's why: I'm one of those people who looovves Bible study and contemplation. I like to read scripture, look up the meaning in the original Greek, and sit back and let it sink into my mind. So, I've spent a LOT of time confused by people like my sweet husband who don't get giddy over a new commentary. (I mean, doesn't he love the Lord? Ha, Ha) And why, I wondered, does he always want to cook for people??? I'm slowly realizing that it's not that people like Lou don't love to read the Bible. He simply needs to worship and draw near to the Lord in his own way- as God intended. As it happens, Lou feels very close to God when he is meeting the needs of others. (Thus, the 'Muffin Ministry' he has every Sunday) It's so easy in an effort to love our family and want them to have a close relationship with the Lord to actually criticize and hurt them if their worship and ways of drawing near to God look different than ours.

Back to the push broom. At times, I have looked around in church and wondered why people didn't participate in things like I thought they should. I even (and I regret it) probably guilted people into serving places and attending classes that didn't draw them any closer to God because I thought it should draw them closer. Now I just realize it was like I was 'pulling' a push broom. I get it now- everyone's relationship with the Lord is unique and...personal.
Draw near to Him in whatever way He has created you, but draw near.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Easter- The Ultimate Second Chance

I remember the first time I saw it. I was driving down 6th Avenue in Huntington when those giant words, "SECOND CHANCE" were right in front of me. It caught me off guard and my eyes filled up with tears.

I know, I know, the billboard is advertising the GED... getting a Second Chance at a high school education. But as soon as I read the words I went back in my mind to a time when I received a Second Chance from the Lord. I certainly didn't deserve it. Since that day, I've participated in a lot of Bible studies and I've read one account after another of people whose lives began again with a Second Chance.

This week, the world will celebrate the ULTIMATE Second Chance we have because of the sacrifice of Christ. As a part of God Himself, Jesus sacrificed His sinless life to pay the penalties I deserved along with the rest of mankind. And although many times some consequences remain as they did for me, when we acknowledge and accept His sacrifice our life can truly begin again... a Second Chance. Absolutely no one is beyond His reach.

Today I heard a song on the radio and some of the lyrics said, "...a second chance is heaven's heart." I believe that's true because I've experienced it. I don't know if the billboard is still up. I actually took this picture in Lincoln County. But I hope it's still hanging over the road to be seen this week by people who need to know about Second Chances. Sometimes God is very subtle and sometimes... well, he advertises on a billboard!