I remember when I registered Hannah for Kindergarten and started filling out her 'School Days' book. You know the one- with a page for each school year where you keep track of vital statistics, her friends, favorite things, etc. I did a mediocre job keeping the book updated throughout the years, but I remember writing her graduation date- 2012- and I couldn't comprehend it. Surely 2012 would never arrive and that little blonde-haired pig-tailed whirlwind in pink would never be 18 years old!
Yes, indeed. 2012 would arrive- sooner than I thought and she would be 18 years old. No pig-tails anymore, but still a whirlwind of a girl!
Her daddy is really proud. He is as sentimental as they come and the things that bring tears to his eyes the fastest are the Star Spangled Banner being played before a baseball game and his children. So we left for the school with plenty of tissues in hand.
It was a VERY warm day, and just like when they were little, they were whining a bit... 'The sun's in my eyes!'
Garrett and Becca were able to just hang out while everything was getting set up. There was a 'technical difficulty' and the slideshow had to be shown on a small screen rather than the large ones, but it worked out just fine. Garrett wore his Covenant School tie from when he was a student just for old time's sake. He's funny.
It's official. She really is graduating and giving a speech. The time is here.
She did a great job in my opinion. Ms. Rodkey, her Rhetoric teacher who gave her the diploma and announced awards, described Hannah as 'always giving her very best- never less' and that included her speech.
In her speech, Hannah talked about how each generation is often defined by the events of that generation- and that society usually chooses negative ones... a war, a depression, an assassination, a scandal. And she said her generation is often referred to as the 'Post 911 Generation'. She was 7 years old when the towers fell. Then she challenged us to consider God's faithfulness throughout generations. She asked us to consider instead remembering and letting those events define our lives. Yes, I'm happy with her speech. She could have talked about herself and what she's learned over the years or what she's looking forward to. But instead, she chose to encourage- to exhort- all of us, including me, to remember faithfulness.
The moment of truth- a diploma with High Honors very well earned!
A final prayer and charge to graduates. It's the second time in 12 months that Louie and I have stood beside one of our children (one of our babies) as they graduated from high school. Becca has to wait 5 years- and I'm glad for the reprieve.
Louie's mom, Marilyn joked with Hannah about her high heels. Hannah passed her up in height a while ago- but the heels really were making her feel short!
My parents, Ron and Brenda, were glad to come and hear Hannah's speech and celebrate with us, too.
Angie, Louie's sister, has been an important part of Hannah's life- and a big playmate :) since she was born.
She's heading in a new direction soon- SOUTH- to University of South Carolina in the fall. She received a scholarship to study Retail/Fashion Merchandising and SC's program is one of the top ones in the nation. In June, she'll meet her roommate, see her dorm, register for classes and more. Move-in isn't until mid-August and 6,000 kids (with families and stuff in tow)will move in the same afternoon- heaven help us.
Wow, that baby girl looks GROWN UP!
Her youth pastor, Will, came to hear her speech and see her graduate- coming straight from another graduation. (Thanks, Will)
And, he had to congratulate, Becca. After all, she's going to be an 'only child' in our house next year. She's already plotting the take-over of 'someone's' bedroom.... we'll see about that.
Hannah and her buddy, Karla. It's good to have friends who've already survived (and actually thrived) their freshman year of college that you can call.
Mrs. Rodkey has known Hannah since the 'awkward' 7th grade. She's taught her English Grammar, Literature and Rhetoric. She also helped her navigate the process of her Senior thesis- 26 pages- that is a graduation requirement, and encouraged her as she defended her thesis to the school board. The book she's holding is a rather large copy of 'Pride and Prejudice'. A well loved book at Covenant School, Hannah struggled 4 times to finish the book and never did... I guess this is Mrs. Rodkey's final attempt to give Hannah the experience!
Hannah with 3 friends- Maggie, Jordan and Karla- who all graduated from Covenant last year and just finished their freshman year.
My three kiddos- together for the summer, at least. I hope it goes slow!
Ah, brotherly love... or is he crushing her? I can't be sure. It's hard to image them... Thing1 and Thing 2... being 15 hours apart this fall. Garrett at Wheaton College in Chicago and Hannah in Columbia, SC. It'll be weird for all of us.
It was a good graduation weekend. I'd be totally faking if I said it was completely free of stress, that I never cried, or that we're all completely confident in what the future holds for our family. But... I learned several years ago a truth that has proven to be invaluable and its this: When I'm feeling worried or unsure about something, I just have to ask myself, "What do I know for certain?" For example, as soon as I'd think, "Will Hannah be safe at SC?" I stopped and told myself, "I know for certain that scripture says God knows every aspect of her life, every hair on her head". I talked to myself a lot this weekend about all kinds of worries. But in truth, I really am also looking forward to all those great things God has in store- not just for Hannah, but for all of us, as our family keeps changing. Great is his faithfulness!
"One generation commends your works to another; they tell of your mighty acts."
Psalm 145:3-5