On Friday, September 3rd, I celebrated my 40th birthday. And I must say, I think it was the best birthday I've ever had. (Even better than my roller skating party when I was in elementary school because I had to share that party with my sister whose birthday is 2 weeks after mine!)

Friday morning, Louie made breakfast for me and presented me with flowers and a homemade card...two things I absolutely
love. I know some women think getting flowers is silly but I
adore them. I love all flowers but calla lilies and tulips are my favorites. I take great care of flowers when I get them so I can enjoy them as long as possible. And the card was precious because he put a picture of us on the front that Garrett took after church 2 weeks ago, then Louie wrote a personal message inside. I know he spent a lot of time on it and that was the best part! Then, Becca gave me a beautifully decorated homemade card, Garrett wrote me a note explaining why I was a good mom (which sounded a lot like an essay since he's been writing several college application essays lately) and Hannah showed me a picture she's sketching for me- its almost finished.
A little later when I got to work, I couldn't help but notice all the other teachers dressed in black... in honor of the fact that I'm "Over The Hill". I love their good natured teasing. As the K-6th grade students gathered for our morning opening, my co-teacher, Leigh Ann Eplin, led the students in singing Happy Birthday, then prayed and thanked God for my life and my presence at Covenant School. I tried hard not to sob. The teachers bought me a gift, gave me a crown with a "40" on it and more flowers. (yeah!)

When I got to the classroom, I was covered in 17 sets of hugs and kisses from my students along with homemade sweets. Then I was presented with a Dr. Seuss birthday card which all the kids had signed. I love it! All day long, I was greeted with "Happy Birthday, Mrs. Gaunch" everywhere I went, even in my gym class. That evening, Louie made me a great dinner and we all sat around the table and ate together, laughing (mostly at Louie!) and having a good time. I felt like my birthday was complete. Little did I know how much more there was to come.
On Saturday evening, September 4th, Louie had a birthday party for me. Several weeks earlier, he asked my permission. How could I say no? It's what brings him joy and I told him as long as he didn't overdo it (because he sometimes does!) than he could have a party. One stipulation: I didn't want to know any details. I'd let the party unfold as a nice surprise. And now, I must be honest here... I never dreamed anyone would come other than family. It was a holiday weekend, the party was held at a place that was out of the way, and it was a Saturday evening when people have better things to do! I was actually afraid Louie would be very disappointed and I really didn't want that to happen because I know he was just trying to do something sweet.

So on Saturday evening, God gave us a perfect evening- about 72 degrees, sunny and breezy. Louie had gone out early and I came later with the kids.
I was stunned.
I think the final count for the party was 63 people... I still can't believe that many people gave up a Saturday night for me. Louie drug me inside and gave a rather short speech (thank you, Lord!) before having me blow out 40 individual candles. He made the birthday cake. It didn't meet his expectations, but people ate it anyway! We spent the rest of the evening playing that bean bag game, some of the kids played volleyball with a big beach ball, listened to a WVU game, ate BBQ, and gather around in little groups to talk and laugh. As with any really good party, you need a little drama... my 11 year old friend Mason jumped down and landed wrong on his ankle during the party. They had to leave to get x-rays. As it turns out, he has a fractured ankle and will be getting a cast on Wednesday- I think its safe to say Mason will never forget my 40th birthday.

On the invitation, Louie said not to bring gifts, just cards. When I got home from the party, I sat in the middle of my bed surrounded by birthday cards.

One by one, I opened them and read every word. (Emerson Davis- your card was awesome on so many levels) When Louie asked me if he could have a party for my 40th birthday, he said that his motivation was simple- he wanted me to feel loved. Not just by him. He wanted to make sure that I understood that I had people around me who loved me.... yes, even enough to go out of their way on a Saturday night on a holiday weekend.
This may seem unrelated, but I promise, it'll make sense in a minute. Earlier this week, I had the privilege of escorting a gentleman from our church to a WWII Veterans dinner. My friend

George is 90 years old. Since his wife passed away and they had no children and have no close relatives, church members look after George. So this week, I was his 'date'. George is such a quiet but fascinating person. As part of the event, Woody Williams, a congressional medal of honor winner, spoke to the veterans. As he was being introduced, the emcee read the citation Woody Williams received from the president and one phrase jumped out at me. He said that the soldier had shown "conspicuous gallantry"... You know, over the last week, my precious husband has shown "conspicuous gallantry". He has been so consumed with my happiness and its been evident to everyone. A few people may have even wondered why on earth he would go out of his way like he did. But I know why. He loves me unselfishly. Now, I don't have the power to give him a medal of honor... but I would if I could.
I've been asked a dozen times... "How do you feel to be 40?"
I'd have to say... I feel loved. Mission accomplished Louie.