Thursday, September 16, 2010

Change is a comin'

Yesterday I glanced out the kitchen window and saw the first sign of Fall... a few bright red leaves on our tree.
I have to admit, I like Fall. Although I love to feel the sun on my skin during the Summer months, by the time school starts and the leaves begin to turn, I'm ready for a reprieve from the heat. So the sight of of red leaves was my signal that pretty soon, the grass will no longer need cut and my flip flops will be tucked into the closet until next year.
I saw another sign of change today that made me stop and take a deep breath. As part of an independent study class, Garrett is volunteering at St. Mary's Hospital two afternoons per week. One day, he'll be in the ER and the other day, he'll be doing patient transport. He will volunteer during his whole senior year. Today was his first day in the ER. Doesn't he look grown up in his scrubs? Anyway, he loved it and couldn't get over how appreciative everyone was over small acts of kindness. Plus...they feed him after volunteering and that's a big bonus to a 17 year old boy!
What other changes are a comin'? God knows. :)

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