Friday, November 12, 2010

Louie's 7th Birthday

Today is Louie's 7th birthday.

Of course, a few weeks ago we celebrated Louie's 'real' birthday when he turned 41 years old. But exactly seven years ago tonight Louie was in critical condition after a heart attack and underwent quadruple by-pass surgery. He got a new start on life November 12, 2003, and so we've always celebrated it as his 'other' birthday.

Last week in Sunday school, we talked about what it means to be thankful as a believer. We decided that it begins with looking upward at who God is and being thankful before looking outward and being thankful for all we have. We talked about being thankful that our God is present with us, has a plan for our life and is powerful. Then, I read Habakkuk 3:2, "O Lord, we have heard of your fame; I stand in awe of your deeds O Lord. Repeat them in our day, in our time make them known". I asked everyone to share a display of the Lord's power they'd seen or experienced in their lifetime... and they struggled to answer.

Well, I've seen the Lord's power in great abundance in the last seven years. I've never seen the Lord heal a blind man, but I've seen Him heal a broken heart. I've never seen the Lord help the lame to walk but I've seen Him help the bitter person to forgive. I've never seen the Lord provide daily manna in the desert, but I've seen Him provide daily encouragement through just the right verse. I've never seen the Lord part the sea so His people could walk through on dry ground to the Promised Land, but I've seen Him make a way for a family as they head to where God has called them. I've never seen the Lord raise a dead man, but I've seen a marriage resurrected and breathe new life.

And why the display of His power? Because we deserved it somehow? Just the opposite actually. God simply did what he always does... pours into the weak, the broken, the undeserving... and in this act, His power is most beautifully displayed.

Like Habakkuk, you may have heard of His great deeds...let me make it clear. He is still working in powerful ways.
He has made it known in MY generation- in MY family- Praise God.

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