Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Garrett's "Last Day of School"

Today, Garrett took his very last final- Calculus- of his high school career. At noon, he turned in his books, grabbed his backpack and stopped by my classroom to say 'bye' before driving home. I begged him to indulge me and let me snap a 'Last Day of School' picture.

Here's a picture of Garrett, my first baby on his 'First Day of School'.

When I looked at both of those pictures earlier, I thought about how God has worked in Garrett's life in the last 13 years he's been in school to develop his heart and mind. Garrett isn't a perfect kid- but God's given him a keen mind, the ability to communicate well verbally and through the written word, a beautiful singing voice, and a compassionate heart. I KNOW the Lord has a purpose for each of those qualities and gifts... and I want Garrett to stay obedient to God in his life as he uses them for God's glory.

Garrett of course just grinned at me and reminded me that this was NOT his last day of school, actually. When he starts classes in mid-August on the Wheaton College campus, he will be a student for 4 years studying biology and then proceed to be a medical student for many more... ok, so maybe its not really his 'Last Day of School' after all!

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