Monday, June 20, 2011

Our "Not Quite So Scheduled" Summer

Some people say that one of the greatest things about summer is that you don't have to follow a routine like the rest of the year. You can sleep a bit later, don't have to eat exactly on a schedule and don't feel rushed. And while I can understand why 'some people' like this casual approach to summer... I like schedule. I like routine. Thankfully, there are some things about summer that are routine for us. Things like Vacation Bible School.

It just wouldn't be summer without VBS. There's something about seeing a group of kids creating things with glue and glitter, eating Popsicles, singing with their whole body and following along behind a sign that proudly declares their grade that brings back memories. We have some wonderful church members who not only work very hard, but love what they do. Our main story teller is a missionary with Child Evangelism Fellowship- he just loves sharing Jesus with children. Our craft director is also our church secretary and one of the top ten hardest working people I know. But it's obvious that she works out of love for the Lord. And these ladies in the kitchen... they've been around the kitchen island a few times and have stories to tell... and they will! Every VBS needs a grandma- or 5- to give out Popsicles!

This year, I had no children enrolled in VBS. (sigh) They're all too big. Becca helped every night in the two year old class... and I think they were thrilled to have her! I helped with registration and basically whatever the director asked me to do, as well as planning the ending night picnic. Hannah started out in the 4th grade but got 'demoted' to the 3's and 4's class. This little sweetie with Hannah reminds me sooooo much of Hannah when she was that age. Cute as can be... until she's upset- then watch out!

Garrett wasn't able to help out with VBS as much because he's a working man now! He got a summer job. A man at our church owns a chain of grocery stores and is getting ready to open a new one. So Garrett is helping do some dirty work to get it open on time in a few weeks... power washing, building shelves, stocking, cleaning, cleaning, cleaning... As low man on the totem pole, he gets the 'fun' jobs. But secretly, Louie and I love that he's getting the experience of physical labor and a decent paycheck this summer. He'll be very ready to head to Wheaton! Hannah also got a job working 1-2 days per week at a local 'tween' girls clothing store. It's soooo her. Little girls come in with their moms, dads and grandmas, and Hannah helps dress them up- in pink, purple and glittery stuff- all the stuff she loved at that age.

Barely recovered from Vacation Bible School, the girls and I piled in a van and headed for another 'routine' summer activity for our church- Kings Island Amusement Park! My idea of a fun, relaxing day is NOT an amusement park. But, this wasn't my day- it was theirs. And it wasn't so bad. We dodged a few rain drops but managed to ride most everything they wanted to ride- more than once! I hung with Becca and a few other middle schoolers most of the day. Yes, I ride roller coasters. The only one I hate is The Beast- its a wooden roller coaster and it shakes me to pieces! Here they are showing off that they aren't scared to ride it!

Another 'routine' summer activity for us always seems to be attending weddings. And it was our pleasure to attend two recently. First, I got to attend the wedding of a sweet couple from my Sunday school class. Beautiful ceremony. Beautiful bride. The only problem is they are moving away so she can attend medical school and I'll miss them terribly! The second wedding was even more traumatic. The flower girl from my wedding got married. Boy, do I feel old! But she was lovely and they were so, so happy! Louie and I will actually celebrate our 20th Wedding Anniversary in just about 3 weeks. Wow. Lots to say about that... maybe later.

Louie has been working hard. His employees are going through some training- I've even had to sit and answer the phones a bit! He's settling in and planning a Grand Opening for early July- it's going to be awesome! One sign is up on the building and another is going up very soon- but this is super cool...

His name on the door. Neat, huh? Some people wait their whole lives for this moment.

Well, more 'routine stuff' coming up for us... 1/3 of the summer down and 2/3 to go! We still have our Anniversary, Junior High Camp and Senior High Camp at Baptist Camp at Cowen, lots of trips to the pool, sleepovers, movie nights, visiting cousins in Beckley, a 4th of July parade... and more!

Ahhhh, summer.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Opening Day!

Gaunch Agency Services

opened for business

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The day finally arrived and Louie drove to his office on Wednesday morning! What a great day... Becca and I drove to Hurricane for his first 'office lunch'... pizza. There were a few issues, like there always are when you move into a new home. The computers weren't up and running until shortly after 5pm... they close at 5:30. But they still managed to stay busy.

Here is the 'big boss' sitting in his office. It's not quite all in order yet, but it's getting there. We hung cubbies that hold the baseball hats he collects, along with a few of his favorite pictures.

It looks great now... the kids actually helped put things together. Becca filled brochure racks... Hannah put posters in frames... and Garrett hung shelves and trimmed small trees that blocked the view of the building.

How many Gaunches does it take to hang a poster???

Louie has 2 employees and is in the process of hiring 1 more right now. They're awesome!

A few nights before he opened, Louie invited family and a few friends to come to the office. They got a private tour. Then Lou handed out a few slips of paper, asking people to read scripture and others to offer a specific prayer. His father prayed first and his mother prayed last. It was an awesome thing to do because I know Lou really does want to use the office to not only earn a living but also to glorify God in all he does.

He read his favorite verse and one that was appropriate, Joshua 1: 5-7. It says, "Be strong and courageous... be careful to obey... do not turn from it to the left or to the right that you may have success wherever you go." These were the words given to Joshua before he led God's people into the Promised Land. So I couldn't help but grin and ask Lou if that meant that his Promised Land was the city of Hurricane, WV? To which he replied that it may certainly be a part of it.

Well, I have no idea how long Gaunch Agency Services will be in business or how financially successful it will be. But I'm so glad for this chance!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Graduation Day 2011

When Garrett was in kindergarten, I started keeping a book of his school years. (I've had moderate success keeping it up over the years) But I remember opening it- in 1998-and writing the date of his graduation-2011-and barely being able to comprehend it.

But there we were. May 21, 2011. Standing in front of the school getting our picture taken with that 5 year old... who now towers over me... in a cap and gown. 2011 arrived after all. Time is a funny thing.

I've been asked again and again, "How was graduation?" I can honestly say, Graduation Day was a great day. It had rained and rained (we're talking Noah's Ark) all week and then on Friday, the sun came out. Saturday was beautiful. I begged the kids for pictures as we arrived. This one makes me want to cry every time.

Garrett graduated in a class of 8 students... him and 7 ladies. (I still think he should have received a special diploma!) Anyway, with such a small class, the academic dean spoke about each student, scholarships and future plans as well as their personality and fond memories of them. There was also a video presentation of pictures. Each graduate was allowed to include 12 photos, from birth to graduation. Some made us laugh and some made us cry!

One thing that stood out to me about the day was that Garrett couldn't stop smiling. He was so happy. My son, the graduate!

One thing that surprised him was that so many friends and family made an effort to come. Family came unexpectedly from several hours away. His Bible study leaders, Kyle and Rachel, had a really busy day but refused to miss the graduation or the cookout that followed. My sister, Terri, drove from Atlanta for just 2 days for graduation.

Our friend, Jon Duffy, is a certified college planner. He's been a great deal of help to Garrett as he took the SAT, scheduled his visit to Wheaton, arranged meetings with professors and given him strategies for success. Garrett was happy that Jon was able to come and celebrate, too. (And he's helping Hannah as she visits 3 college campuses this month!)

This is Garrett with his friend- and class 'challenge'- Stephanie. She was the Valedictorian. Though I wouldn't necessarily label Garrett as competitive, there were many days when he'd say, 'Yes, I got an "A"... but Stephanie got a perfect paper!' We're so happy for her as she goes to Washington and Lee to study English/Pre-Law.

Afterward, we all headed back to the house for a cookout. Garrett prayed, and we dug in.

Louie loves, loves, loves to cook. So he spent most of Friday and part of Saturday morning cooking up a storm. And I must say, the food was awesome- everyone said so. He made most everything from scratch- baked beans, beans and cornbread,etc. Then we also had the usual hot dogs and hamburgers and fix-ins. Hannah even got in on it and made a chocolate cake from scratch.

Here's to the grad!

Everyone hung out and talked a long time, which was by far the best part.

My friend Kelli and her family came to help celebrate with us. It's so funny because we met when Garrett was a newborn. He learned to walk pulling up on her glass coffee table- which I remember made me a nervous wreck! We had so much fun playing with him (and soon after, Hannah) and pushing them around the mall in the stroller. And here we are now. Who knew?

One thing that thrilled me was that so many people came to visit at the cookout. Most everyone from graduation came over. Then, we had several neighbors stopped by to eat and play including these two from next door. They had a ball!

Even Louie's friend Dave came over. They've been friends since maybe age 15. They are so funny and stupid when they get together- kids, really. I swear, I have this exact picture of them, 22ish years younger, from church camp.

My mom made Garrett a quilt to take to college. It's hard to see in this picture, but she somehow put pictures on some of the squares- of our church, his graduating class, his band, his sisters, and things he loves from home... that way he can take a piece of 'home' to college. Cool gift!

It was a great day. He really has worked so hard in the last 13 years of school. And he's going to love college- especially Wheaton. I know it's a perfect fit.

He really did cross over today into adulthood. And I'm so proud of him.