It just wouldn't be summer without VBS. There's something about seeing a group of kids creating things with glue and glitter, eating Popsicles, singing with their whole body and following along behind a sign that proudly declares their grade that brings back memories. We have some wonderful church members who not only work very hard, but love what they do. Our main story teller is a missionary with Child Evangelism Fellowship- he just loves sharing Jesus with children. Our craft director is also our church secretary and one of the top ten hardest working people I know. But it's obvious that she works out of love for the Lord. And these ladies in the kitchen... they've been around the kitchen island a few times and have stories to tell... and they will! Every VBS needs a grandma- or 5- to give out Popsicles!
This year, I had no children enrolled in VBS. (sigh) They're all too big. Becca helped every night in the two year old class... and I think they were thrilled to have her! I helped with registration and basically whatever the director asked me to do, as well as planning the ending night picnic. Hannah started out in the 4th grade but got 'demoted' to the 3's and 4's class. This little sweetie with Hannah reminds me sooooo much of Hannah when she was that age. Cute as can be... until she's upset- then watch out!
Garrett wasn't able to help out with VBS as much because he's a working man now! He got a summer job. A man at our church owns a chain of grocery stores and is getting ready to open a new one. So Garrett is helping do some dirty work to get it open on time in a few weeks... power washing, building shelves, stocking, cleaning, cleaning, cleaning... As low man on the totem pole, he gets the 'fun' jobs. But secretly, Louie and I love that he's getting the experience of physical labor and a decent paycheck this summer. He'll be very ready to head to Wheaton! Hannah also got a job working 1-2 days per week at a local 'tween' girls clothing store. It's soooo her. Little girls come in with their moms, dads and grandmas, and Hannah helps dress them up- in pink, purple and glittery stuff- all the stuff she loved at that age.
Barely recovered from Vacation Bible School, the girls and I piled in a van and headed for another 'routine' summer activity for our church- Kings Island Amusement Park! My idea of a fun, relaxing day is NOT an amusement park. But, this wasn't my day- it was theirs. And it wasn't so bad. We dodged a few rain drops but managed to ride most everything they wanted to ride- more than once! I hung with Becca and a few other middle schoolers most of the day. Yes, I ride roller coasters. The only one I hate is The Beast- its a wooden roller coaster and it shakes me to pieces! Here they are showing off that they aren't scared to ride it!
Barely recovered from Vacation Bible School, the girls and I piled in a van and headed for another 'routine' summer activity for our church- Kings Island Amusement Park! My idea of a fun, relaxing day is NOT an amusement park. But, this wasn't my day- it was theirs. And it wasn't so bad. We dodged a few rain drops but managed to ride most everything they wanted to ride- more than once! I hung with Becca and a few other middle schoolers most of the day. Yes, I ride roller coasters. The only one I hate is The Beast- its a wooden roller coaster and it shakes me to pieces! Here they are showing off that they aren't scared to ride it!
Another 'routine' summer activity for us always seems to be attending weddings. And it was our pleasure to attend two recently. First, I got to attend the wedding of a sweet couple from my Sunday school class. Beautiful ceremony. Beautiful bride. The only problem is they are moving away so she can attend medical school and I'll miss them terribly! The second wedding was even more traumatic. The flower girl from my wedding got married. Boy, do I feel old! But she was lovely and they were so, so happy! Louie and I will actually celebrate our 20th Wedding Anniversary in just about 3 weeks. Wow. Lots to say about that... maybe later.
Louie has been working hard. His employees are going through some training- I've even had to sit and answer the phones a bit! He's settling in and planning a Grand Opening for early July- it's going to be awesome! One sign is up on the building and another is going up very soon- but this is super cool...
His name on the door. Neat, huh? Some people wait their whole lives for this moment.
Well, more 'routine stuff' coming up for us... 1/3 of the summer down and 2/3 to go! We still have our Anniversary, Junior High Camp and Senior High Camp at Baptist Camp at Cowen, lots of trips to the pool, sleepovers, movie nights, visiting cousins in Beckley, a 4th of July parade... and more!
Ahhhh, summer.
Exciting life changes around every corner for the Gaunches!
ReplyDeleteYour doing a great job Mom!