Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Adventures in Parenthood

When Garrett was four months old and I stared at that positive pregnancy test in complete disbelief, I wasn't sure of much. But I was sure of one thing. These two babies were going to be close- like it or not. And Baby #2 (aka Hannah Grace) would forever be following 12 months behind everything Garrett did. And though she tried to pass him up as often as possible (learning to talk, making an A in calculus, whatever!) there are some things she had to wait for- like becoming a college freshman.

So the last few weeks, it's been an adventure in parenting around here- there are 4 adults in my house and Becca is the only teenager left, God bless her. Garrett and Hannah have worked part time jobs to save money, they've sorted clothes and their 'stuff', bought some clothes (they're heading to two very different climates- Chicago and SC), spent time with dear friends and family, enjoyed a little down time, and now... it's time to go. Becca has stood alongside and watched, getting ready for her own school year- not in another state, but attending school for the first time EVER without her siblings, alone. Covenant School is K-12 and there's always been at lest one of them in the building.

The last few weeks, Lou and I celebrated our 21st wedding anniversary (amazing but true), the 1st anniversary of his agency opening (check out his new web site and get a quote today! ), and the 1st anniversary of being hired at MU in a job that I love working with hearing impaired preschoolers. We've tried to take advantage of the time to just hang out with the kids, listen to them sing, serve with them at church and of course, plan, plan, plan for their fall- trying not to forget a single thing they'll need.

Here are pictures of some of the highlights from the past few weeks.

Our church held a 5K Run/Walk to raise money for a Christmas outreach project. It was over 80 degrees and humid when the race started. It seemed like all the racers were curious about their time. Not me. I finished- I was happy with that. :)

We had SO many summer storms this month- it was crazy. Unfortunately, one afternoon storm, complete with wind and hail, sent Garrett into a ditch. Three weeks and several new parts later, he and Hannah were driving the truck again. We were just very thankful that he wasn't hurt. He was on his way home from his summer job- an awesome experience. He spent 4 weeks as part of a clerkship- a paid observation experience- in the Cabell Huntington Hospital NICU. He observed doctors, residents, nurses and med students as they daily cared for premature and drug addicted infants. He learned a LOT- about medicine, the human body, society and being a physician. At times, it broke his heart but I think it reinforced his decision to pursue medicine.

Ok, I have no idea why this picture turned sideways. Anyway, Hannah is now a registered voter like Garrett. They really ARE legal adults. It's just hard for a mama to wrap her mind around. As I was pouring a cup of coffee the other morning, Garrett said without looking up, "Hey mom, don't you think it's cool that all my friends are starting to turn 20?" Sure. Really cool, I thought. Garrett will be 20 in March. Birthdays really don't bother me- but my child turning 20- that might!


July meant Senior High Camp- and Hannah's last time at WV Baptist Camp as a camper. I love that place. I ended up driving to Cowen and back 3 times this summer, but that was ok. I got to get a little taste of camp. 

We took a big group of Senior High kids and counselors. (Hannah is in the front middle- standing on a step to look taller)

For the last several years, I've served as a counselor and small group leader at Senior High. Unfortunately, I couldn't this year. The classroom I work in has several hearing impaired preschoolers who work very hard all school year. To make sure they retain all they should, they come to school during July instead of being off for 3 months in the summer. So... I work in July and can't come to Cowen. Maybe they'll move Senior High to June ??

I wish I could show you pictures of my class- of the kids and all the fun we have. But, because I love them and want to protect their privacy I just can't post their pictures. But we had a great time in July. We 'camped' in our classroom, marched in a 4th of July parade across the MU campus, throwing candy to college students we passed, made homemade sidewalk chalk, read some amazing stories and had our very own Olympics. No kidding. Each day, there was an event... racing and breaking through crepe paper, shot put with a not-so-heavy ball, balance beam. They even wore a medal, stood on a podium and put their hand over their heart (sort-of) while the star-spangled banner rang out from the i-phone... it was a beautiful thing.

Two more things about work. One- this crazy squirrel (or one of his many cousins) would scare me to pieces about 2 times a week when I was coming into or out of my building. You'd think that they ate nuts. Apparently on campus, they prefer fast food trash. Second- I was hired as an 11 month employee. That means I'm off the entire month of August. (Hooray) The Lord really knew what He was doing in so many ways when He selected this job. Having this month off work while we prepare to move the kids is a HUGE blessing.

Becca went to her very 1st LOCK-IN at our church. Of course, a Lock-In is basically a huge overnight youth event/sleep over. They were a right of passage for Louie and I. She was bleary-eyed the next morning, but survived unscathed.

Of all my kiddos, Hannah is probably the most  'organized' one. She's had lists of things she has and needs for her dorm, a drawing of the floor plan, and an understanding of where all the 'pretty stuff' will go. And yes, everything is color coordinated.

  Then, the five of us got to participate in a really cool event. One Sunday morning, we all met, ate breakfast and then went out into teams to work on various projects. Instead of having regular church, we 'were' the church to other people. Louie- cooked breakfast for 100+ people, I- picked up trash along about 3 miles of road near our church, Garrett- helped paint an army tank that sits in front of the Veteran's Home, Hannah- painted and cleaned for a woman who used to run the Huntington Mall Fashion Board (that Hannah was on) but is now wheelchair-bound, and Becca- helped paint the exterior of a home. It was a fabulous day!! (The only bad part of my day was wearing that hideous shirt. Lou refused and wore a white shirt in protest.)

Then one day, Louie sent all of us a mysterious text with instructions for an 'evening out' of 'family bonding'. He got home with a big grin and drove us here- to the Riverfront for an evening aboard a paddle wheeler. With Louie starting a business, and sending two kids to college... a family vacation wasn't exactly in the cards. So- how about a 2 hour vacation on the Ohio River? It was actually pretty fun.

Another paddle wheeler (I forget its name) passed us as we were preparing to leave the dock.

It was cool seeing Huntington bridges from underneath!

She's getting so grown up and beautiful- and tall! She's officially passed me up by an inch.

My handsome men- love those smirks. It makes me think they're up to no good... and they probably aren't! The dinner was pretty good and the DJ was decent. He played swing music and Hannah and Garrett danced together. It was sort of cool being out on the water, even if it was the Ohio.

So in the next 10 days, Garrett will move back to Chicago, Becca will start the 8th grade alone and I will move Hannah to South Carolina.I think this year has been easier than last year in some ways, but still very hard in others.  It's all positive change and I can honestly say that we're all happy about these things. But- change is scary and in the last few weeks, everyone has had their 'moments' and deals with the stress differently. I can only speak about my coping. I like to stay busy- so I've been running, cleaning, ironing (a lot), I decided to pain the front door because the sun had faded it. Then, I thought I should touch up the white trim in the entryway... that led to painting three doors so far and most trim in the hall, bathroom, kitchen and dining room. I told Lou if he stood still too long, I might paint him! Whatever works! Family of five... shrinking to a family of three for our day to day living. That's big. But (I think) we're ready!

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