The largest thing on my nightstand is a stack of books. Right now it has five to be exact.
1. "A Hole in our Gospel" by Richard Stern, the CEO of World Vision. Our entire church, from kids to adults, will spend 10 weeks studying the major ideas presented in this book during the fall. I'm almost done.
2. "The Daily Bible in Chronological Order" by... God. :) Louie got it for me as an anniversary gift because I've been really convicted this last year that I haven't quite read the Bible all the way through. How can I teach an adult class at church and claim that I live my life based on the truth of scripture... when I haven't read it all? So... I'm on a mission to do it. There's actually a man at my church who takes this so seriously that he's actually written out the entire Bible in notebooks-more than once!
3. "The Grand Weaver" by Ravi Zacharias. This was recommended by a friend and when I saw it on a shelf discounted to $ was as if the Holy Spirit was screaming at me to pick it up already. The theme of the book is basically that God ordains and uses all the moments in our lives... good, bad, momentousness and mundane to weave together our lives like a beautiful tapestry.
4. "1,000 places to See Before You Die: In the US and Canada" by Patricia Schultz. I know this list is simply someone's opinion as to what they think people should see... but since Louie and I love to travel and see new places, I like the book. I've had it a while and pull it out every so often. I have checks by the places we've been and smiley faces by the places I want to go... the Louisville Slugger Bat Factory and Museum was #52 out of 1,000. We have a ways to go.
5. "And the Shofar Blew" by Francine Rivers. I don't read a lot of christian fiction. But, I looove Francine Rivers. Her book, Redeeming Love, is the absolute best book I've ever read. It's a fictional adaptation of the Biblical story of Hosea and Gomer. Anyway, this current book is one about about a young pastor's wife as she finds her role in his ministry. I got it to read at the pool... but I obviously haven't made it to the pool much because I'm only on chapter 2!
What else is lingering on my nigh stand?
A pretty little 3" box that my sister-in-law got for me. I'm not sure what it was originally intended for... but I keep chocolate in it! I don't eat a ton of sweets, but every now and then I want a piece of dark chocolate (hey! It's good for you!) and so I keep some individually wrapped pieces in there, hidden from view, for obvious reasons. (My box is currently empty)
A pretty, small candle in a jar. Well, you never know when you're going to need a little ambiance.
Two cards from Louie that he stashed in my luggage when I went to Senior High camp for a week. About 7 years ago, we started a little trend of hiding notes to each other when we were going to be apart. Sometimes it's a fancy card from Hallmark... sometimes it's a Post-It note! (There's still a post-it note in Louie's side of our closet from when I went to Russia on a mission trip in 2005- now that's one sticky post-it!)
A Thirty-One catalog. A friend of the family is selling Thirty-One products and I'm debating what to buy... too much to choose from! They carry every form and fashion of bag and purse you can image in different combinations of materials, threads and they'll monogram your bag. But I'm happy to support her- and the company, started by a Christian woman who based it on Proverbs 31!
Our home phone. (sigh) I've been toying with the idea of getting rid of our home phone for months. For heaven's sake- we have 5 cell phones! No one calls the land line hardly- except telemarketers. I need to pull the plug. I'm just trying to get up the courage.
Um, a crocheted doily is the only other thing. No, it's not homemade. I bought it at Wal-Mart. But, it reminds me of my grandma. She had several crocheted and embroidered doilies covering dressers in her and my grandpa's farmhouse in Mississippi. It just seems cozier somehow.
We,, that's it. My nightstand is analyzed. I don't know if it says anything about me or not... except that I need to slip away to my bedroom a little earlier in the evening to get some reading in, loosen my grip on our home phone and replenish my dark chocolate stash!
We pulled the plug on our home phone last month. I too was dragging on the change---it's great. No more telemarketer crap AND one less bill!
ReplyDeletePs I love dark chocolate